Innovative Products
Our customers will often present us with problems for which we develop product based solutions. We are early adopters of solutions such as Brugg that are clearly two steps up from the status quo. Call us and we can quickly generate a custom product or solution to your fuel problem.

Brugg Piping
Brugg Prefabricated Continuous Double Contained Stainless Steel Piping We have successfully installed this product in lieu of welded steel piping in OSHPD Hospitals and operating and new Data Centers. The product is more robust than welded steel piping and is less costly and quicker to install.

OSHPD Special Seismic Certified PLC Controls
We build and program these panels in multiple sizes for any California site that requires OSHPD special seismic certification.

Remote Fill Systems
We design and fabricate remote fill systems of all kinds. Aboveground with or without pump and underground with or without pump. One of the key benefits of underground fill systems is that they do not take any real estate within the building and can be easily sited within code clearance limitations.