Most of our consulting efforts are to help customers with compliance. SPCC and HMBP are common engineering efforts in our office. We are expert in obtaining permits and even exemptions when needed. Customer peace of mind is the byproduct of our risk reduction and code compliance efforts. A single well founded engineering report can save millions of dollars due to a release or operating failure and without question demonstrates prudent business practice.

Risk Reduction / Risk Management / Code Compliance
We are hired to walk through existing fuel system sites and assess risk of release as well as make suggestions to reduce risk and prevent product release. We are code experts and can review existing designs and facilities for code compliance. Building owners are often shocked when they discover their brand new facility is NOT compliant and could be red-tagged in a moment by a knowledgeable local authority.

SPCC—Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans
Our engineers have generated many of these to help building owners, including conducting the facility staff training. We have an extensive library to draw upon for reference.

HMBP—Hazardous Materials Business Plans
Industries and services that require a backup generator will typically have sufficient bulk storage of hazardous materials to require and HMBP plan and an HMBP plan update when such inventories change. We understand the details and can capture these in the plans.

Fuel systems and fuel system design is highly specialized. We have often been retained to design just the fuel system under the umbrella of the M & P or MEP engineer. We can save time and money for the engineer and owner through our extensive and multi-faceted experience.

Peer Review
We have often been retained to review other parties design for reliability, code compliance or cost control.

We can provide permits for owners or contractors. We can implement their equipment selections, especially if pre-purchased. The customer benefits from our positive relationships with the local authorities having jurisdiction. We have often installed many systems in a given jurisdiction and know and understand the particular local requirements and inspector peccadillos. One of our permit efforts was recently chosen by the SFFD as an example to be used for other contractors.